It's official! Cycling, like any outdoor activity has numerous health benefits, not just improving your overall physical fitness. Cycling outdoors can help ward off seasonal affective disorder (SAD), depression and anxiety because sunshine naturally increases serotonin, a hormone that can improve your mood. Exercise itself produces endorphins, another hormone that boosts your mood and has been shown to reduce pain. Contrary to cycling on an indoor biking machine, outdoor cycling challenges your whole body, including your brain, and has been shown to burn more calories and create a more intense feeling of wellbeing than equivalent indoor exercise. Road biking or mountain biking outdoors has been shown to be more addictive than indoor cycling activities as the benefits to mental and physical health are more noticeable than indoor exercising and it's more mentally stimulating.
In fact, there's a whole host of conditions that outdoor exercise such as road biking or mountain biking has been proven to reduce or help improve symptoms of, including obesity, coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, bowel cancer, breast cancer in women, osteoarthritis, depression and dementia.
Our cycling holidays, road biking tours, gravel biking routes and mountain biking holidays are always planned with your own personal preferences in mind. You'll always be biking with your friends, relatives or colleagues in your own private group, so your cycling trip will feel like your own personal bespoke cycling holiday, rather than you tagging on to someone else's tour. You'll have a chance to form stronger bonds with acquaintances or distant relatives, or meet some new friends through other people in your biking group. One thing is for sure, you'll finish your cycling trip with a massive smile on your face, a huge sense of achievement and a real feeling of camaraderie with the rest of your biking group.
The trip was absolutely wonderful, very well planned and the route was well chosen. Sandy and I appreciated a lot your hospitality and your caring to every detail. We hope...